By design, plugin and theme makers do not receive usage data. This allows us to stay true to the spirit of WordPress, giving users complete control of their data.
It also means that CheckoutWC does not have information about how store owners and developers are using CheckoutWC. This makes it harder for us to determine who needs what and to improve as we continue to improve CheckoutWC.
As of CheckoutWC 2.10.0, we made it possible for anyone to enable usage tracking from within their WordPress admin area. This sends us data about the size of the store, how CheckoutWC is installed, and how it’s being used.
Enabling usage tracking helps us:
- Understand how stores are set up and cater to feature development.
- Understand the number of stores potentially impacted if something goes wrong with a specific feature or update, and act more quickly to resolve issues.
- Understand how CheckoutWC impacts store performance
Unless customers intentionally enable usage tracking, we don’t know how CheckoutWC is being used in the real world.
By choosing to share your data, you’re helping us make CheckoutWC better for everyone. By understanding how you’re using CheckoutWC, we can create more helpful features, write better documentation, and make CheckoutWC a more useful solution.
What we’ll track
We track non-sensitive data about how a store is set up. We do not track or store personal data from you or your clients.
Full list of what we track:
- Store URL
- Active CheckoutWC template
- Enabled status of CheckoutWC
- Enabled status of billing and shipping phone fields
- Usage of header scripts
- Usage of footer scripts
- Store city
- Store country
- Geolocation setting
- Tax settings
- Coupon settings
- Currency settings
- Shipping settings
- Account settings
- Active payment gateways
- Active shipping methods
- Activated plugins in list form
- MySQL version
- PHP version
- PHP Settings, such as maximum post size, maximum input vars, if suhosin is enabled, if cURL, SOAP and fSock are enabled
- Theme information
- Total number of CheckoutWC processed orders
- Total items ordered for CheckoutWC processed orders
- Gross revenue of CheckoutWC processed orders
- Web server software and version
- WordPress version
- CheckoutWC version
- WordPress locale
- WordPress debug mode
- WordPress memory limit
Tracking data is sent automatically to our servers once you choose to share your data with us, and then every week afterwards.
How to stop sharing your data
If you no longer wish to share your data with us, go to Settings > Checkout for WooCommerce > General and then unselect the checkbox next to Allow Checkout for WooCommerce to track plugin usage? and click Save Changes
Thanks for reading!
If you have any questions about how and why we track the data we track, please don’t hesitate to reach out to support.