A Few Updates
Version 1.5.3 has been released. This includes an important fix for coupon codes. For some stores, applying coupon codes in the cart stopped working due to a conflict between our AJAX action system and the WooCommerce native handlers.
1.5.3 is our third patch release since April 4th. As we use semantic versioning, you can rely upon the fact that patch level releases (X.X.1 to X.X.2 for example) should always be safe to update. We will never release anything that we view as potentially a breaking change in a patch level release.
Here’s the change log from the last few patches:
Version 1.5.3
- Fixed conflict between apply coupon AJAX endpoint and WooCommerce’s native coupon AJAX handler.
Version 1.5.2
- Add support for AutomateWoo 3.7+.
Version 1.5.1
- Correct display of shipping methods when a single shipping method is available.
- Fix issue with taxes not being displayed in itemized totals.
- Added retool trigger on zip change for faster performance.