How to Install CheckoutWC With Composer

If you’re a developer who loves managing dependencies with Composer (we certainly do) you can install CheckoutWC with composer. Here are the steps!

Add Our Repository

        "repositories": [
                        "type": "composer",
                        "url": "{YourLicenseKey}"

Substitute {YourLicenseKey} with your actual license key.

Add Our Plugin

From your CLI (terminal) run:

composer require objectivco/checkout-for-woocommerce

Version Constraints

You can use any Composer version constraints, or specify the exact version of a plugin or addon:

"require": {
    "objectivco/checkout-for-woocommerce": "3.7.1"

Example composer.json

    "name": "your/project",
    "description": "A CheckoutWC site",
    "repositories": [
                "type": "composer",
                "url": ""
    "require": {
        "objectivco/checkout-for-woocommerce": "^3.7"